The ESP card markings require no confusing memorization or math calculations and are fast and simple to detect and understand. You will be hard pressed to see the markings unless you know what to look for. All the backs look identical.The Druid cards were developed especially for mystery performers as a utility ESP set. To be used with all your favorite current routines. Perfect for those wanting something less sterile looking and for greater versatility outside of lab experiment themes.You will be provided with two sets of six matching symbols on virtually indestructible, credit card-sized cards. These are made out of actual credit card material, exact size, and thickness. Not playing card material.You will also receive six ESP routines, a small hand-cut and sewn leather wallet to add to the organic nature of the images, and a 40 page booklet.The Druid ESP is not limited to themes regarding laboratory tests. The primeval shapes have roots in our existence and are relevant for providing readings that offer the opportunity to connect with people in a profound way.I have included shape interpretations to support basic readings if you wish to also use them in that way.I will not only share with you which ESP routines on the market I believe are the best (that you can use with the Druid) but also some great book suggestions and inspirational theme ideas for the Druid, along with a link to a university research paper you might find interesting.You do not need to carry a deck of 25-50 playing cards to do ESP!I suggest using only 5 of the 6 symbols provided. The sixth symbol, the arrow, was included so you have more options for different routines, and for those who would rather not use the star image. It also helps to differentiate The Druid from Zener cards.This offering provides more than just ESP routines and is only limited by your imagination.Isn't time to be a true mystery artist instead of just another magician with a deck of cards? Separate yourself from the pack and get The Druid ESP.