Preorders open until AUGUST 30, 2024
The Spectators point of View / About this Book
The Performer brings out a small grey hardbound book and presents it to the audience.
This is a book of death.
This small book contains the names of people buried at the Great North Cemetery in Essex England. This cemetery was used to bury the mentally insane for the nearby Colney Hatch Mental Asylum. That Asylum was one of the largest in the world. It housed madmen and women in its dark halls. As you can see many souls died there.
Please open the book. You will see on the inside covers that a map of the cemetery is imprinted. There are many burial plots with many names and dates. Some are still waiting to be filled. I would like you to look over any plot and choose a name with a date that has some meaning to you.
Now please turn to the date within the book and concentrate on your selection. The Performer is unable to decipher the spectator's choice, however, is drawn to the grave near to their selection. The performer is able to reveal all correct information about that chosen grave.
· The deceased Initials
· Male or Female
· Location of the person’s death.
The PERF directs the SPEC to the unnamed plot number within the gravesite. The spectator is then asked to choose anyone of the three Colney Hatch nurses logs and turn to that number. The Performer knows exactly what entry the spectator is looking at.
This is The Book of Interment